President's Updates

President's Update November 9, 2023

Hello TEA! First, apologies if you were not a recipient of a text this morning. The morning text chains were all done through a database we have at the office and not everyone has their cell phone number listed. There was thought to email you all, but text seemed the fastest that would be read in the early morning hours. 

We are are aware that principals have since sent out an "update" stating a couple of items, please keep in mind that all of these message should not have even been seen by you as you have NOT reported for work today. For those that have read and are asking questions, we were told that the emails from principals were in response to the staff that were requesting to come in and retrieve their devices and to plan. We also were told it was in response to staff questions. We applaud those who choose to spend their three day weekend working, but want to remind you, you were NOT reporting today, it is not a planning day, and you have a three day weekend thanks to those that served for our nation. To those who are also teachers Thank You! 

  1. If Zoom meetings are mentioned they are all optional. We were informed that you wanted questions answered, please remember they are optional. TEA has requested that all information be through the district as a whole so that everyone is on the same page. 
  2. Devices and picking them up. TEA has also informed them that you are on a NON reporting day so you have moved on with your day. We were informed that it was sent out because the demand from teachers was that you all wanted your devices. Since you are on a NON REPORT day, it is not mandated that you pick up your devices. 
  3. The switching to Zoom/ Online learning - nothing has been confirmed and until members started sending their principal emails, TEA did not even know if was an option. Again, you are on a NON REPORT day. You cannot be mandated to go in and pick up your devices. On this topic TEA has demanded, although it may feel like a request, that should the entire district be forced to go back online that teachers be given a day to adjust and work towards the "pivoting" of our instruction again. Keeping in mind that many of our elementary do not take home their devices any longer and some sites no longer have the same access to device/ wifi as others. (While LMA had to do it all week - there should be time for everyone if it is to be the norm again, even if for one day). 
  4. TEA has also asked that due to the situation all Elementary Report cards that were due to principals on Monday be postponed at least a day. 

As information changes please keep TEA abreast of what you learn and we will keep you updated with what we learn. You are all amazing and just your responses this morning and your willingness to continue to ask to do more, go get devices and to work on a day you have been told not to is above and beyond. TUSD knows that and expects us to be willing to turn on a dime because we can. TUSD teachers are remarkable, but you also have the right to have a weekend and not be planning to pivot, without being given time to plan and change your instruction. 

In unity, 

Lisa Hickman
TEA President

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