President's Updates

President's Update March 16, 2023

Happy Almost St. Patrick’s Day and Almost Spring Break TEA! Most people are looking for the gold at the end of the rainbow with the 17th coming. We in Tustin have already found part of that at the end of the day on Friday. Our gold is the Spring Break that seems to have decided to creep slower as the day approaches. 

Happy Almost St. Patrick’s Day and Almost Spring Break TEA!

Most people are looking for the gold at the end of the rainbow with the 17th coming. We in Tustin have already found part of that at the end of the day on Friday. Our gold is the Spring Break that seems to have decided to creep slower as the day approaches. 
Thank you all for everything you do everyday - especially with the recent rain where you are all locked in and doing it while drying to stay dry. You are the start of all success in this district. You are the leaders who make everything possible, while encouraging the students to work even harder as we look towards closing out our school year. (it’s coming sooner than we think - I promise). Thank you for all that you do - thank you for being you and most importantly - thank you for being a member of TEA!  

Here’s the latest from TEA:  

  • TEA T-Shirts - You may have already seen the earlier email, but just in case… Everyone who wants to wear their TEA pride is now able to do so by just picking out their favorite choice and sending their response through our Google form. You may choose one item (any item) and we will handle the ordering, shipping and sending to you. Take this opportunity to wear your Union pride. You may look at all options (hoodie, zipper sweatshirt, ladies cut, ladies cut v-neck, or unisex/men’s crew) in the form. Order HERE. 
  • Intent To Return - Every site should have received and should be having you sign your intent to return. This is the equivalent of signing a new contract for the coming year. TUSD has a request of March 10/ 17th due to trying to staff for next year  by the end of the year. That said, you do have time to sign if you are considering retirement - or even just considering. If you are demanded to sign please let me know. According to the document and past precedence you have until June to sign. That gives you time to meet with Calstrs or make all decisions before turning in an intent to return. 
  • Induction Payments for TEA Members - TEA has started to process and send the $300 for members who are currently members and enrolled and actively working in the induction program this year. We were working off the list provided by the district, but have now realized that names were missing and checks may not have been sent out. If you are one of the lucky individuals who are currently in the program and you have not received your $300 for working on the induction program this year, please send proof of your program enrollment (payment, or other form) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - we will then work to ensure you have a check ASAP. 
  • Temporary Teachers - Currently it looks like TUSD will handle teachers who are not yet permanent or probationary similar to last year. That means it will hit hard, and won’t be fun, but the school board will be voting to release all temporary teachers. They legally may do this. It does not mean automatically that you will not have a job in this district next year. TEA has asked if TUSD would be willing to have a meeting with all temporary contracted teachers to explain the process. We will let you know as soon as we know anymore information. The faster they have the above intent to return papers, and numbers from families at your school, then they can figure out site and district numbers.

  • IFT GRANTS - Do you have a great idea for your classroom or school, but lack the funding? Would you like to try and do something amazing and are looking for ways to implement that at your site? There is a way to get help from IFT Grants - IFT helps all students and schools by awarding grants directly to CTA members and local chapters. To date, CTA members have funded 501 grant projects totaling more than $5.8 million. All CTA members are eligible to apply for an Educator grant (up to $5,000) or an Impact grant (up to $20,000). Last year members across California were granted the money to start their projects - Band instruments, garden supplies, a book vendor machine, robotics equipment and more. I cannot stress the availability and the want they have to fund projects of all sizes for members. PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE AND APPLY TODAY! DEADLINE IS MARCH 31ST. Apply HERE
  • March Is:
  • ARTS information Month - New data shows that only 11 percent of California schools actually offer all arts disciplines as mandated in the state Education Code. It’s time for that to change. Arts education increases student engagement in their school by providing space for self-exploration, creativity and empathy. Celebrate its value and work to make it available to all students. #CreateCATogether
    • Click the link above (or the picture)  to go to the Create CA website and sign up and get the above poster for free. It’s not a huge poster, but it has wonderful coloring and a great message (and only took 2 days to be at my site).
  • Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month - March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. In 2020-21, the number of public school students who received special education services was 7.2 million, or 15 percent of all public school students. With the right support, these students can be included in and contribute to all areas of school and community life. Read CTA’s stance on education for those with developmental disabilities here.
  • COMMUNITY SCHOOLS: A community school is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources with an integrated focus on academics, health and social services, leadership and community engagement, leading to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities. The shared decision-making model ensures that educators, parents and community groups, along with school district administrators, have a voice. CTA and NEA have been at the forefront of efforts to build community schools, providing resources and guidance to educators and local associations. And now, CTA leaders and staff have developed a five-step path to help locals build member and community support. Read about CTA and local chapters' work on this path in the Feb./March Educator magazine. Find more information about community schools
    • TEA did attend a community schools tour at Anaheim Elementary with our district. TEA encourages everyone, especially those at Title 1 sites with Community School Admin. To read and know more about Community Schools as TUSD looks to apply for the state implementation grant. The state grant provides money that should be used at sites with site committees and district committees, both with active teacher, and union participation. More information will follow as more is made available to TEA. 
  • CTA President Toby Boyd Visited TUSD to meet TEA members - He was joined by our area CTA Director Denise Bradford. TEA was very lucky to have our CTA president Toby Boyd Visit the first week of March. He spent the entire day with myself and our CTA Director Denise Bradford visiting sites, meeting and speaking at our Site Rep. Meeting. Restricted by time we visited the following sites: Tustin Ranch Elementary, Sycamore Magnet Academy, Legacy Magnet Academy and Tustin High School. The goal was to get him to an elementary, a K-8, our only 6-11, and then a High School. It was also to show the diversity within our district. We were lucky to visit some sites longer, just due to campus schedule. President Boyd was both honored to meet those of you he did, and he wished he could have had more time to visit more sites. He thanked each of you, and all educators who continue to work and do our jobs day in and day out, in spite of all that is education at this time. If you would like to see pictures from that day please follow the link HERE
  • KNOW YOUR RIGHTS - Know your rights as it pertains to yourself, and your students. The following is the updated information from CTA on your Legal Rights for LGBTQ+ Employees and Students - the link is HERE or click the picture.
  • TEA backup - Because it has been so long since the last update here are some of the items that should have been included over the last two months. 
    • Celebrating TEA - It’s our 50th celebration year and each site should have had a cake delivered in January. I was sent many pictures of the cake - all of which look just like the rest, and a few priceless ones of members enjoying the cake. I hope that you enjoyed the yummy kick off of our celebration event. We hope to do more over the next months and we hope that everyone will celebrate with us. We are only as strong as our softest voice. Here’s to the Collective voice of TEA being stronger with each coming year and supporting all as we make our way towards another 50 years strong! 
    • Wages Increase - You also should have seen the 11% increase to your wages in January and then the retro pay from the start of the school year until Dec. 31st was in your end of February paycheck. 
    • Voting Results - We have had two elections from January until today. We have covered both contract issues and then Executive Board positions. We will be having another election soon to cover 
      • Our Vote in January that covered new areas of the contract. - you should have already seen the information but just to let everyone else be notified again. We had a lower voter turnout than the last vote with only 31% of the membership participating. Here are the results of the vote:
        • Article 5 - Hours or Employment - Professional Responsibilities. Passed with 96.3% of votes in favor ~  3.7% opposed.
        • Article 7 - Leaves - Bereavement. Passed with 99.7% of votes in favor ~ 0.3% opposed.
        • Article 5 - Hours of Employment - Middle School Minutes. Only voted on by those teachers in secondary. Passed with 93.7% of votes in favor ~ 6.3% opposed.
    • Our vote that covered TEA Executive Board Nominations: Here are those voting results: 
      • For the following positions: each for 2-year terms: July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025 - had under 20% of membership voting. 
        • State Council Representative (1 position) - 3-year term: June 26, 2023 through June 25, 2026 - Paul Tschida - Tustin H.S.
        • Elementary School Director (1) - Becca Rasko - Nelson
        • Middle School Director - Theresa Payne - Pioneer
        • High School Director - Sean Pfaff - Beckman
  • Special Education - 
    • TEA was honored to host our first special ed. only meeting where everyone was invited. We understand that it did not fall on the best date, as other meetings were taking place that day as well. It was pretty hard to find a date where there were less than three other meetings the same day. We do want to let you know that this will not be our last like this. The input garnered from that meeting is already helping to drive conversations and work between TEA and TUSD. Through participation in our different areas of special ed. (SLP, Psych, SDC, SAI) we compiled the top issues that as a whole for special ed members we find important to move forward on as TEA working with TUSD. None of these are by any means decided, but these are the four areas TEA will focus on first (these are the top items, not decided yet, but working towards what is best for membership)They are: 
      • Caseload/ class size - workload case average - trying to make it not a district average, and that each specialty has a different caseload concern/ need. 
      • Seniority in movement/ assignments
      • Time -  planning for assessments/ paperwork prep/ billing prep. paperwork.  
      • IEP Times - start/ end; when meetings may be held; IEP optimum times/ days where all service providers and gen ed. teachers may attend.
    • Keeping track of minutes/ service times and state expectations - The state has yet to determine how districts should be monitoring or keeping data. Districts are the deciding factor currently because they will have to prove to the state that services have been met. If you are keeping track - there has been no decision by the state so please let TEA know if there are any issues, beyond what we have already heard and worked on, regarding this issue. 
    • Rescheduling services that fall on days we are not at school (holidays etc.) or when a student is out ill/ on a field trip or at an assembly, that is not required by the state at this time. TEA is still waiting for Ed. Code to be shown where this is the state expectation. 
    • SLPs having to attend every IEP is also a concern that was brought to our attention. TEA has given a copy of the CTA Special Ed. Book to TUSD HR and TUSD Special Ed. Department and pointed out the Ed. Code on page 9 (please see below for the digital link) where it states who is needed. Please let us know if this is still being mandated. 
    • Each one of our Special Ed Teachers/ Providers will also be receiving this valuable resource from TEA - coming to your mailboxes soon. Created and updated by the CTA specialist of all things Special Education. I encourage everyone to look into the digital copy. I have had access to older copies for years and am currently trying to read and reread this copy. It is a valuable resource for anyone who has students. It is 72 pages of valuable information. It will assist you with Ed. Code, ideas, and references. 
    • If you are a general education teacher who would like to have access to this resource - it is very helpful if you have students getting services, or if you just want to learn more about students in general. Please also click the link below or let TEA know you would like an actual paper version of the book itself. 
  • Please also check out the CTA special education site for additional webinars and videos and other resources which are helpful for all teachers. HERE.
  • State Council - CTA’s top policy-making body is the State Council of Education. Meeting four times a year, the council’s nearly 800 delegates sets forth CTA policy, develops legislation, and makes recommendations in general elections.
    • January State Council Minutes from TEA State Council Representatives may be found- HEREThe Next State Council will be during our Spring Break: March 24-26, 2023. 
  • California Reads - 
    • Rather than celebrate reading on just one day, California Reads promotes reading year-round with teacher-approved book recommendations for multiple age groups. California Reads also promotes reading through a yearly list of teacher-recommended books in five age categories: Pre K/TK/K, Grades 1-2, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8 and Grades 9-12. CTA California Reads Page - a poster with selections may be found HERE or linked in the pictures. Lisa Hickman announcing the committee books at CTA State Council Here.
  • Member Benefits: 
    • Spring is upon us and, hopefully, we all can look forward to better weather, some R&R, and holiday celebrations with family and friends! But first things first! Every member should do these three things immediately:
      • Visit This is the gateway to all your Association benefits.
      • Click the BLUE “Register Now” link on the page so you’ll be recognized to receive special discounts and important benefits information. (If you’ve already registered, proceed to Step 3.)
         Name your beneficiary for your no-cost, Complimentary Life Insurance: Click the “Register Your Beneficiary” button.
  • To help prepare for the Summer (it’s just around the corner) Visit on your cell phones and scroll down to the 5th box, “Get $500 NEA Travel Dollars.” You will need to register and/or sign on our website using a non-school email address, and then you will then be able to access the NEA Travel Program and discounts on car rentals, hotels, cruises, and guided tours as well as great information on how to stretch your travel budget. In addition, check out the NEA Discount Tickets Program if you’re planning on visiting Disneyland, or attending a sporting event or show.
  • NEA Member Benefits recognizes that members have endured unprecedented challenges and pressures over the past two years due to the pandemic and adverse social events. We’ve heard from members that they are looking for resources and solutions when it comes to mental health issues. We want to remind you that there is an excellent support tool available to help members cope with stress and anxiety: the NEA Mental Health Program App. Many free resources are provided by this tool, as well as options for affordable group and individual counseling. NEA MB is excited to announce that the NEA Members Insurance Trust will pay for the first year of premium Sanvello membership and you can sign-up by clicking here
  • Visit to explore all the NEA Member Benefits available to you.
    Get the most out of your membership - here are additional NEA Member Benefits you might be missing out on. Please follow the link HERE or by clicking the pictures below: 

  • Additional Interesting Information: 

As we close out this week I am both overjoyed for the time off, to recharge and honestly power watch some bad TV and sad….that it’s not enough time and there won’t be any site visits. I do love visiting and seeing where everyone works. I have been fortunate this last month or so to get out and actually visit some of you inside your classrooms. I loved being able to see how the sites themselves worked and how you are with your students in your own space. I was in awe of each of you and what is going on in your classrooms. It makes me proud to represent you and makes me want to steal so many things to take back to my own classroom. 

Please take the next week to rest and recharge and take care of yourselves. Find something you like to do for you, just you - even if that’s power watching through Netflix/ Hulu series in your pajamas all day. It’s our time to take care of ourselves and not be changing the world one student at a time. It’s our time to renew our own spirits. 

Here is to all that you do. May you each have a wonderful, sun filled break and may you all remember to wear green tomorrow! Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh - St. Patrick’s Day blessings to you! 

In Unity,

Lisa Hickman
President, Tustin Educators Association
State Council Representative 
Third Grade Teacher, Sycamore Magnet Academy
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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